Risk Warning: All trading involves risk. Clients may lose significantly more than they invest and therefore your capital is at risk.
ITI Capital Limited has made the decision to exit the retail client business in the UK. Read the message →
Fraud Alert: Protect yourself Read the message →

Introducing access
to Global IPOs & Placings

Invest in Global IPOs and Secondary Placings through
ITI Capital before they trade on the open market
Available to existing clients of ITI Capital and new Professional clients
Learn more about Global IPOs and Placings →

Expertly researched
Trade Ideas

Take advantage of ITI’s bespoke Trade Ideas generated by our
dedicated in-house research team
Available to existing clients of ITI Capital and new Professional clients
Learn more about Trade Ideas →

Take control of your investments

ITI Capital offers a variety of investment services, from
a simple to use online multi-asset trading account that puts you in control, to a more bespoke tailored advised account
46 000 +
6 offices
in Europe & Asia
Subject to meeting appropriateness and risk assessment criteria. ITI Capital offers these opportunities exclusively to investors who are sufficiently sophisticated to understand the risks and make their own investment decisions.

ITI Capital was founded and has been serving clients since 1994, we have been helping investors to execute their investment strategies since inception

Financial technology business with the focus on global brokerage, asset management, fintech investments & technology transfer on a global scale under the umbrella of the ITI Group

Direct participant